In his new role as dean of the Graduate School, Levon Esters brings 20 years of higher ed experience and a unique perspective on both Penn State and the power of graduate education.
Penn State entomologist David Hughes gained acclaim with his research into “zombie ants,” but his heart and soul are in PlantVillage, a transformational initiative to help farmers in Africa and elsewhere adapt and survive in the face of climate change.
Engineering professor Chaopeng Shen’s AI-based hydrological models helped PlantVillage teams in Africa combat a powerful locust plague and save the crops of thousands of farmers.
From the March 1973 Penn Stater: Legendary physicist Erwin Mueller shares stories of his scientific inventions, his introduction to Penn State, and how he used science to turn tombstones to bread in post–World War II Germany.
The Michigan native and Hope College graduate fell in love with event planning when she interned in the events department at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.