Campus Life

The Suit

From all fours to one-armed pushups: a decade-by-decade look at the Nittany Lion's evolution. 
Mary Murphy

Squid Game

Penn State researchers are using an unlikely source to create stronger, more sustainable composite fibers.
Jeff Rice '03 Com

Quantum Leap

In Penn State's 2D Crystal Consortium, scientists are creating material for NextGen electronics.
Savita Iyer

Freeze Frame

Powerful (and rare) electron microscopes keep Penn State researchers on the cutting edge.
Jeff Rice '03 Com

Form & Function

Created to bring together two expanding departments, the Millennium Science Complex fosters collaborative research opportunities in the materials and life sciences.
Jeff Rice '03 Com

Equitable Goals

President Neeli Bendapudi lays out her administration's approach to DEIB challenges at Penn State.
Robyn Rydzy '95 Com