Campus Life

The Suit

From all fours to one-armed pushups: a decade-by-decade look at the Nittany Lion's evolution. 
Mary Murphy

Atmospheric Traditions

Eight decades after issuing its first undergraduate degrees, Penn State’s meteorology program might just be the global leader in turning weather-obsessed young people into world-class forecasters.
Wayne Coffey

Happy Birthday, Frederick Douglass

On February 14, the day the once-enslaved reformer, orator, and statesman Frederick Douglass chose to mark his birthday, thousands of people from across the globe will livestream Douglass Day, a global transcribe-a-thon hosted by Penn State’s Center for Black Digital Research/#DigBlk, to honor Douglass’s legacy and celebrate Black History.
Savita Iyer

Across the Board

On the eve of the annual alumni trustee election, here's a closer look at the makeup and responsibilities of Penn State's governing body.
Ryan Jones '95 Com

Shared Skills

The Makery brings together creators looking to share or teach their artistic talents.
Jeff Rice '03 Com

A Moveable Feast

From our November/December 2015 issue: In a month-long culinary excursion across University Park, the author discovered fresh vegetables, internationally trained chefs, staggering variety, and some really good food. From the dining halls to the HUB and dozens of spots in between, this is not your parents’ college grub.
Ryan Jones '95 Com

The Mayor of 16802

From our May/June 2016 issue: For generations of Penn Staters, Mike “The Mailman” Herr turned a mundane trip to the post office into a treat. In April, the authority-tweaking, cookie-collecting campus fixture retired as he did everything else—with a smile on his face.
Robyn Passante '95 Com