Volunteer Spotlight: Marc Weinberg

Thirty years after graduating, an alum seeks out his local chapter to get involved.

black and white head shot of Marc Weinberg by Penn State Alumni Association


Marc Weinberg ’89 Bus had “an amazing experience” at Penn State, and remained tight with his Alpha Epsilon Pi brothers long after graduation. He travels a lot for work and calls out an enthusiastic “We Are!” to anyone in Penn State gear. But more than 30 years went by before Weinberg, who’d chaired the 1988 Homecoming parade, got involved with the Alumni Association. That’s when life-changing brain surgery to fix a medical condition shifted his perspective on what’s important and made him seek out the local San Diego Chapter.

“I realized I want to hang out with my kind of people, reconnect, and be more involved,” says Weinberg, who began attending chapter events in the last year or so and organized a chapter beach clean-up event  for Earth Day (“a week early of course so we could watch the Blue-White game after!”). “It’s so cool to talk to people with shared experiences, reminisce about walking across Parking Lot 80, midnight movies at the Forum, Roy Rogers at 2 a.m.,” he says. “I should’ve gotten involved sooner.”