Reminiscing: What was your go-to late-night spot?

Alums reminisce about late nights on campus.

black and white photo of exterior of Ye Olde College Diner


“At Brandywine, La Porta is my top choice for great wine and pizza, but Duffer’s is the place to go for drinks and burgers with friends.” 

Meaghan Daly ’16 UC


“Definitely Ye Olde College Diner for meatloaf, mac & cheese, and mashed potatoes, and for great conversation, reflection, and dreaming of the future!” 

Pam Sheets Salokangas ’95 H&HD


 “Canyon Pizza was a great late-night place because 1) it was open and 2) slices were a dollar and they weren’t half bad. Plus, it was a popular spot, so you might run into someone you knew.”  

Joe McGrady ’03 Lib


photo of exterior of Redifer Commons by Steve Manuel '84 Lib, '92 MA Com


“Late Night at Redifer Commons with my friends! The food always gave me the extra energy (and the break) I needed for a long night of studying.” 

Lexie Foreman ’21 Bus


 “The Phyrst for a Phyrstburger and to listen to Still Flight.”  

Judy Wolfe ’70 Lib




Coming soon: What was your most memorable IM sports moment? Tell us yours at