Staff Spotlight: Mara Ryan, Associate Director, Student and Young Alumni Communities

Meet the advisor of both of the Alumni Association’s affiliate student groups: Lion Ambassadors and Blue & White Society.

Black and white Mara Ryan head shot by Penn State Alumni Association


From August until May, the first floor of the Hintz Family Alumni Center buzzes with the energy and activity of Penn State students. And Mara Ryan is in the middle of that hive.

Ryan ’97 Bus advises both of the Alumni Association’s affiliate student groups: Lion Ambassadors and Blue & White Society. For her, this means many evenings spent at the office attending both groups’ leadership meetings, and even more hours helping students grow as leaders, scholars, and people. “The students are the best part of the job,” says Ryan, who began working at the Alumni Association 12 years ago. “When you see something you’ve advised them on work, that’s really awesome.”

Ryan, mother to two current Penn State students, says the student volunteer groups, while different in traditions and focus, have a shared dedication to Penn State: “I think they could teach a lot to our seasoned volunteers.”