Faculty Expertise

Toward Clarity & Understanding

Elizabeth Brady has spent the 12 years since the sudden death of her young son, Mack, thinking and writing about grief. In a new collection of essays, the Penn State professor shares what she’s learned about pain, perspective, and acceptance.
Elizabeth Brady

Stylish Studies

The College of Art & Architecture’s Fashion Archive, a treasure trove of garments dating back to 1850, serves as a learning space for the study of clothing history and design.
Savita Iyer

Charting a Chip Resurgence

Semiconductors are the tiny, essential heart of nearly every device we use on a daily basis—and almost none are made in the United States. Drawing on the university’s history of cross-disciplinary collaboration and traditional strength in materials science, Penn State is leading a multibillion-dollar effort to reestablish the U.S. as a leader in manufacturing the computer chips that power modern life.
Daniel Oberhaus

A 'Big Tent' for Understanding Tiny Marvels

Seth Bordenstein, Director of Penn State’s One Health Microbiome Center, explains the mission and ambitions of the interdisciplinary research center that has positioned Penn State to be a global leader in an increasingly essential area of the life sciences.
Interview by Ryan Jones '95 Com

Rivers Matter

Climate change is impacting inland water, says Li Li, Barry & Shirley Isett Professor of civil and environmental engineering.
Savita Iyer